Faith is doing very well at home with her family. She goes to the hospital several times a week for therapy for hours a t a time, and on the off days, she does therapy with her teachers at home. She works so hard! She is standing on her own for short periods of time and takes more steps everyday. She is even eating well - three meals a day of semi-solid food.
The doctors say her
trache is in good shape, no swelling of which to speak.
She will return to Ohio in August for a check up. If all goes well, from then on she will be able to work exclusively with doctors in Philadelphia - a much easier
commute for the whole family! She will be seeing a ne
uro-opthamologist at the end of the month for an important
assessment of her vision. Please keep her in your prayers!
Everyone is looking forward to a great golf outing on August 25th! Thank you Modern Electric for sponsoring our event. Players are still needed! For more information, please e-mail or